Driven to Keep You Safe!

We are fully committed – 24/7 – to keeping Utah’s winter roads open and safe. We will answer the call without fail whenever it comes… and go with swiftness into the storm.

We serve our driving public with poise and confidence earned through experience and expert training.

Through strategic teamwork we are proud of what we accomplish in defeating the “enemy”:  dangerous snow & ice covered roads.

We won’t back down from the hard battle.  At the end of our long days and nights we hold our heads high, knowing through our efforts we’ve just made lives better!

The Challenge

On average, Utah is hit by more than 25 winter storms/year

Typically, Utah Snow Fighters push more than 65 million tons of snow and ice from Utah roads each year

The annual impact of snowy, icy, or slushy roads on the driving public in the US is high (FHA):

  • 116,000+ injuries
  • 1,300+ deaths

The average Economic Impact of a major road closure in Utah:

  • $66.36 Million/Day (sales taxes, reduced commerce, lost wages, stoppage of productivity)

Weather’s Annual Impact on the Trucking Industry:

  • Productivity Loss: 6 Billion vehicle hours
  • Revenue Loss: $2.2 Billion – $3.5 Billion

Source: Mitretek Systems (Weather incident impact on commercial vehicle mobility in 281 large US metro areas)


Treating snow and ice covered roads with quick performing deicing material combined with strategic plowing reduces injury crashes up to 88%.

Only 1 out of 28 fatalities on Utah roadways was the result of unsafe winter roads. (UDOT Study)

“My job is to get the family in that vehicle safely from this mile marker… to that mile marker. I take that responsibility VERY seriously!” 

(UDOT Station Supervisor)