This is a guide to help agencies establish and publish acceptable policies and procedures for snow and ice control on public streets. The intent of this document is to provide the driving public with a uniform understanding of the priorities and methods used to maintain safe winter roads.
The purpose of this policy is to establish acceptable procedures and policies for snow and ice control on public streets under the jurisdiction of the City Name. This policy replaces all prior written or unwritten policies.
The intent of this policy is to provide a uniform understanding of the priorities and procedures used to combat snow and ice. Each winter storm has unique characteristics. Factors such as storm intensity and duration, timing, wind, temperature, and moisture content influence the methodology used to combat the resulting conditions.
II.Level of Service
The objective is to provide adequate traction for vehicles properly equipped for winter driving conditions. Optimal pavement conditions will be provided as soon as practicable after a storm, in accordance with the priorities and guidelines established in this policy. It can be expected that service during off hours will be limited and only provided when extreme conditions arise or on heavily-used streets.
Certain streets have a higher intensity use and thus a higher priority for maintenance. The concern for safety, general welfare and duration of travel necessitate that priority be given certain streets over others. For this reason City streets have been divided into three types. Levels of service have been defined for each type. A map showing the priority assigned to each City street is on file in the office of the Public Works Department. In emergency situations or in order to operate efficiently, it may be necessary to partially complete a lower-level-of-service group before the normally-higher priority group is completed.
IV.Ordinance Enforcement
If there is a problem with ordinance enforcement such as a person putting snow back onto the street, blocked drainage, etc, we will follow the standard procedure which is:
1.Personal contact with the person involved.
2.Written notification to person or Ordinance Enforcement
3.Matter is turned over to Ordinance Enforcement.
Roadways affected: Arterial and major collector streets generally with an average daily traffic greater than 5000. The following streets shall receive Type I service:
General Treatment: Plowing and applying ice control materials to avoid a snow accumulation of 2 inches or icy conditions. Service to be provided 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. From 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM traffic lanes only will be plowed. We will follow up with Type II Service on the next shift after the storm has subsided.
Roadways affected: Minor collector streets generally with a pavement width of at least 30 feet and average daily traffic during the snow removal season between 1000 and 5000.
General Treatment: During regular working hours. Plowing after a snow accumulation of 2 inches and application of ice control materials as necessary to prevent icy conditions. Ice control materials may also be applied, if deemed necessary to achieve optimal pavement conditions as soon as practicable after a storm.
During off hours, plowing after a snow accumulation of 2 inches and application of ice control materials as necessary to prevent icy conditions prior to morning peak traffic hour only.
Roadways affected: All other streets, including cul-de-sacs and dead end streets.
General Treatment: After service levels have been met on Type I and II streets, plowing during regular hours after a snow accumulation of 2 inches. Cul-de-sacs will be pushed all in one direction into the cul-de-sac with the first pass straight bladed down the middle of the roadway and each side wind-rowed toward the curb to complete the roadway. The small trucks and the backhoe will have primary responsibility for cul-de-sac cleaning, with the large trucks having secondary responsibility. Ice control materials may be applied to intersections, hills, school crosswalks and other severely icy areas and, if deemed necessary, to achieve optimal pavement conditions as soon as practicable after a storm.
During off hours, plowing and application of ice control materials to severe areas after a snow accumulation of 4 inches.
Area affected: Stockpiled or drifted snow in parking lots, streets, waterways and right-of-ways. The City Name will remove these problem areas as deemed necessary by the management of the Street Division and by a work schedule that is most productive for the City. The normal work schedule for this work is 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM.
IV.Determination of Need for Service
This policy is intended to be used as a guideline for the provision of snow and ice control services. The responsibility for ordering personnel and equipment into service for snow and ice control lies with the Street Division Manager or his designee during off-hours. If the troubleman needs to call out more than three other people to assist him, management needs to be notified. The Police Department may notify the Street Manager of the potential need for service. The Street Manager or designee may request other personnel from other divisions within the Public Works Department to assist when there are accumulations of 8″ or more of snow. The Public Works Director or City Manager may direct the Street Manager to commence snow and ice control operations.
If storm is forecasted to set in for a longer than 24 hour period and there is a need to keep the streets open, the City Name will split-shift its crews and run two 12-hour shifts. Crews will alternate each month as first crew on duty. First crew will work a 12-hour shift and the second crew will be sent home to rest and will be paid the remaining portion of their regular shift. At the end of the first 12 hours the second crew will come on duty and the first crew will go off duty. During this type of shift work Type I Service traffic lanes only will be provided.
#1Names of workersNames of workers
#2Names of workersNames of workers
#3Names of workersNames of workers
#4Names of workersNames of workers
#5Names of workersNames of workers
#6Names of workersNames of workers
#7 (Cul-de-sacs)Names of workersNames of workers
SupervisorNames of workersNames of workers
Months for crews to be on duty first:
November—–Green Crew
December—–Orange Crew
January——Green Crew
February—–Orange Crew
Any additional months before or after the above schedule will be the opposite crew from the next crew to work or the crew that has just worked.
Sanding will start 100 feet in front of the approach side of the intersection and will be done through the intersection and will stop 50 feet in to the center of the block. Sanding will be done continually on hills where additional traction is needed.
A.When the traffic flow is heavy or the snow conditions are very slick and icy.
B.When hauling snow out-of-town.
C.When crossing or working in the area of state roads.
A.We can go through stop signs and red lights, but not in excess of 15 miles per hour and not before due precaution has been taken.
BWe can, when loading and cutting out snow, go against the flow of traffic and through red lights and stop signs.
3.GOOD COMMON SENSE MUST be used in doing this, for at times we are responsible for accidents or mishaps that may occur.
41-6a-212 (7) Except for Sections 41-6a-210, 41-6a-502, and 41-6a-528, this chapter does not apply to persons, motor vehicles, and other equipment while actually engaged in work on the surface of the highway.
41-6-14(3)(a). The foregoing provisions shall not relieve the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons, nor protect the driver from the consequences of an arbitrary exercise of the privileges declared in this section. (The driver may be responsible for damages if he failed to use caution.)
206-3000752-7100 2106530Ford Ranger
755-1500752-3600 2008558Chev, Pickup
ROUTE #1 (Island Area)
Areas of coverage in Route 1 are:
1.Center Street 600 West, east to 100 East.
2.Canyon Road south to City Limits.
3.100 East, east to City Limits.
NORMAL ROUTE (Between Midnight and 6:00 AM)
1.Canyon Road – Center Street, east to Highway 89.
2.Center Street – 600 West, east to Mountain Road; Mountain Road, east to 1400 East; and 1400 East, northeast to end.
3.Crockett Ave. and Riverside Dr. from Canyon Road south to Center Street.
EMERGENCY ROUTE (Between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM)
1.Center Street from 600 West, east to Mountain Road; Mountain Road east to 1400 East; and 1400 East, northeast to end.
2.Canyon Road – Center Street east to Highway 89.
3.Crockett Ave. and Riverside Dr. from Canyon Road south to Center Street.
400 East – Canyon Road to 300 South
In addition, this crew will help finish other routes when their own is complete.
563-8005 2009421GMC Sander
563-9001 2201783GMC Sander
ROUTE #2 (Hill Area)
Route 2 consists of:
1.Everything from 1200 East – east to City Limits.
2.Highway 89 – north to City Limits.
3.700 North, west to 700 East
4.700 East from 700 North, south to 380 North
5.1400 North 800 East, east to 1200 East
NORMAL ROUTE (Between Midnight and 6:00 AM)
1.1400 North from 800 East, east to 1720 East.
2.1200 East from 1000 North, north to North City Limits.
3.1000 North from 1200 East, east to 1500 East
4.1500 East and 1600 East from Highway 89, north to North City Limits.
5.700 North from 1500 East, west to 700 East, south to 380 North.
1.500 North from 600 West, east to 700 East, north to 700 North, east to 1500 East.
2.1500 East and 1600 East from Highway 89, north to North City Limits.
3.1200 East from 1000 North, north to North City Limits.
4.1000 North from 1200 East, east to 1500 East
5.1400 North from 800 East, east to 1720 East.
In addition, this crew will help finish other routes when their own is complete.
755-0097 220915610-Wheeler Sander
752-0065 2208496Ford Sander
ROUTE #3 (East/West Streets)
Route 3 consists of:
1.All East/West streets with exception of Island Area (Route 1) and Hill area (Route 2).
2.All North/South streets east of 200 East and north of Canyon Road and Center Street.
3.Temple Avenue, alleyways east and south of Temple.
NORMAL ROUTE (Between Midnight and 6:00 AM)
1.1000 North from 1000 West, east to 1200 East.
2.600 East from North City Limits, south to 200 North.
3.500 North from 600 West, east to 700 East.
4.400 East from North City Limits, south to 200 North.
5.Boulevard and 600 East, west to Center Street.
6.200 North and Long Dugway from Canyon Road, west to Main.
EMERGENCY ROUTE (Between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM)
1.500 North from 600 West, east to 700 East.
2.Transit Center after 6:00 a.m.
3.600 East from North City Limits, south to 200 North.
4.Boulevard and 600 East, west to Center Street.
5.1000 North from 1000 West, east to 1200 East.
6.400 East from North City Limits, south to 200 North.
7.200 North and Long Dugway from Canyon Road, west to Main Street and steep dugway
100 North from Boulevard to 600 West
100 North from 300 East to Main
200 North from Main to Boulevard
In addition, this crew will help finish other routes when their own is complete.
752-8002 210188510-Wheeler Sander
752-9005 200569510-Wheeler Sander
ROUTE #4 (North/South Streets)
Route 4 consists of:
1.600 West 2500 North to Hwy 89
2.400 West 600 North to 400 South
200 West 2200 North to 100 South
100 West 600 South to 1000 North
100 East 500 South to 800 North
200 East Boulevard to 1500 North
400 West 900 to 1000 North and 1300 to 1800 North
1600 North Main to 400 West
900 North Main to 200 West
10.Dee Avenue
11.1800 North Main to 800 West
12.200 South Main to 100 West
13.Bridger Drive.
14.1250 North Main to 200 East
15.1250 North Main to 200 West
NORMAL ROUTE (Between Midnight and 6:00 AM)
1.600 West from 2500 North, south to Highway 89.
2.200 West from 1400 North, south to 100 South.
3.100 West from 1000 North, south to 600 South.
4.100 East from 800 North, south to 500 South.
5.200 East from North City Limits, south to Center Street.
6.400 West from 600 North, south to 400 South.
EMERGENCY ROUTE (Between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM)
1.100 West from 1000 North, south to 600 South.
2.100 East from 800 North, south to 500 South.
3.200 East from North City Limits, south to Center Street.
4.200 West from 1400 North, south to 100 South.
5.600 West from 2500 North, south to Highway 89.
6.400 West from 600 North, south to 400 South.
1800 North from 100 West to 900 West
In addition, this crew will help finish other routes when their own is complete.
752-4500 2207627 10-Wheeler
787-4900 2206 155 10-Wheeler Epoke
ROUTE #5 (Parking Areas and Cul-de-sacs)
Route 5 consists of:
1.Service Center Parking Lots.
2.City of Logan office.
3.Fire Hall Parking Lot.
4.Emporium Parking Lot.
5.City owned lot, north portion.
6.Willow Park Parking Lot.
7.Recreation Dept. south side all 3 lots.
8.Swimming Pool Parking Lot.
9.Help on all Cul-de-sacs.
10.Water Dept. Reservoirs.
11.600 North 1000 West, west to Sewer Lagoon.
12.Landfill Road
13.Green Canyon Sub
14.Orchard Sub
15.Chlorinator Road
16.Park & Ride
753-0036 2203863Backhoe
753-0020 2107665Motor Grader 140-H
563-0050 2006571Loader
SPECIAL NOTE: All other areas of town where roads are extremely steep, slick or effected by drifting conditions may very possibly have to be done by the Patrol (140-H Cat, #665).
ROUTE #6 (Other changes as indicated on maps)
Route 6 consists of:
All street south of Center Street and west of Main & Hwy 165,
with the exception of: 100 West, 200 West, 600 West & Park Ave.
2.300 West from 500 North south to end
3.500 West from 500 North south to end
4.1700 S. Highway 89 to Talon Dr.
5.400 South
6.300 South
But will include an extension of:
1.100 South from 700 West, east to Pioneer Ave.
2.700 South from Main, east to City Limits.
3.1000 West from Highway 89, north to 1500 North.
4.1400 North from Main, west to City Limits.
1.1400 North from Main Street, west to 1000 West; from 1800 North on 1000 West, south to Highway 89.
2.400 South and Three Point Ave. from 100 East, west to 1000 West.
1000 South from 1000 West, east to Main
300 South from Main west to 600 West
753-7200 210311610-Wheeler Sander 753-4300 200781210-Wheeler Sander
ROUTE #7 (Cul-de-sacs)
All routes have cul-de-sacs in them. The employees working cul-de-sacs in Route #7 are merged into route 1, 2, 3, and 4. They are specifically assigned to plow nothing but cul-de-sacs.
245-6765 2100771 Route 3 & 4, North end
755-1005752-3668 2008558Chev Pickup
787-5001753-9000 2003772 Dodge Pickup
208-747-3008 2008882Backhoe
Work with operator – call Street Dept operator for that area.